Your Flat Cap is More Than Just a Style Statement; it’s a Slice of History

Hi, I’m Lauren – and I’m a 36-year-old copywriter and a British northerner through and through.

Born in Lancaster, Lancashire, England I now live in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England with my husband, Gary.

The two regions – known as the ‘Red Rose’ and ‘White Rose’ counties, respectively, may well be rivals in a historical sense, (ever heard of the War of the Roses?) but many would agree that Lancastrians and Yorkshire folk have plenty in common.

Lauren Holden Copywriter

Yorkshire meets Lancashire: Gary and Lauren

Here are just a few: we live in areas known for their lush, green hills; we have the ability to laugh at ourselves and we are as down to earth as folks come. Of course I would say that, but it’s true.

Yorkshire Snow

A snowy, January scene in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England

Both counties are champions of the flat cap – and while the authentic British headwear is today more of a style statement than a means of keeping your head warm, the flat cap of yesteryear was typically associated with working class men who put their all into their work. A grafter’, as we’d say colloquially here up north.

In the UK, you could call it a kind of ‘coat of armour’ for the head – a real symbol of stoicism and ‘Great British grit and determination’. I’d like to say we have it in abundance.

That’s why I love it; there’s something quite charming about a man in a flat cap, after all. The typical wearer is usually ‘no-nonsense’ and can talk the hind legs off a donkey.

A British Staple

I can imagine my own Granddad donning a flat cap with pride. A working class fella, he always had a good yarn to spin – and he had a wicked sense of humour and, with it, an infectious laugh.

There’s something hugely exciting about Poe & Company Limited, who have taken a British staple and re-ignited American fans’ passion for it – and I can totally understand why they are. Part of me feels quite proud that this style of hat crossed the pond at the turn of the twentieth century via dream-seeking immigrants and continues to be received so well – and I’m not surprised to learn the flat cap goes down just as well in the US as it does here.

Poe & Company Limited Flat Cap Lining and Label

Choose an authentic Poe & Company Limited flat cap

When I spotted – in an online article – that Poe & Company’s founder, Christopher (alongside his lady, Chrissie) was unable to travel home to the US when covid-19 first hit, I couldn’t help but get in touch to say hello.

The couple had made the long journey to Castleford, here in the UK, on a flat cap-forging mission – and were staying in local accommodation. Upon hearing their plight, the owners of the 300 year old cottage let them stay a while longer at a discounted rate – and I thought it was yet another great example of Yorkshire folk doing what they do best: helping people out.

Poe & Company has a loyal Instagram following – so I hit ‘Follow’ immediately and sent them a message. I loved the sound of the company and wanted to offer my services – and here I am, writing my first piece for you good people: American fans of the Great British flat cap.

Christopher Poe - Poe & Company Flat Cap overlooking Yorkshire

Christopher Poe, the founder of Poe & Company Limited

If You Want to Get Ahead, Get a Hat

‘If you want to get ahead, get a hat’ is a phrase that’s often said in jest here in the UK, but there is, in fact, real meaning behind that old adage.

The fact is, there was a time when you’d be judged by your hat, or rather, the shape of it. The Yorkshire Post – which has been bringing us northern English folks news since 1754, no less – echoes this sentiment in this nostalgic stroll down memory lane. Your headgear was your calling card, says the Yorkshire Post in the piece – and that’s so true.

So, whether you wear your flat cap in a bold nod to the Peaky Blinders TV series, you are bringing back a bit of style to your wardrobe or you’re ‘tipping your cap’, quite literally to a family member who was never seen without the distinctive piece of headwear, you’re paying homage to an accessory which has long been in favour with gents everywhere. What could be better than that?

Want your very own flat cap? Don’t forget to browse this traditional and authentic range here on the site.

1 commentaire

A wool tweed flat cap or ivy cap with a herringbone pattern is a classic style that no man should be without one for their fall winter , spring wardrobe ! And a linen or cotton flat or ivy cap is nice for summer !

Michael Sutton 18 mars 2022

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